We provide agile solutions to your supplement needs

As the nutraceuticals industry is thriving globally, key market drivers being increased consumer awareness, emphasis on prevention over cure, and clinical receptiveness have paved the way for products that contain add-on ingredients with medicinal goodness, a new opportunity to stay.

A Nutraceutical can be an isolated nutrient, whole food product or a food-based supplement that provides an extra health benefit in addition to its normal nutritional value. The term Nutraceutical is a portmanteau of the two words `Nutrition`` and `Pharmaceutical,` indicating an ally between food and medicines conferring additional health benefits. As now both functional health supplement users and natural whole food users are looking for smarter ways to boost immunity and maintain good health while ensuring physical and mental wellbeing.

Global Outstretch

The nutraceutical industry thriving on the very fact that at present consumers are willing to live healthier, boost immunity organically and live longer, they`re willing to pay generously to make that happen. With an out-and-out offering of First-string nutraceutical ingredients and additives from premier suppliers, we have the unification of speciality products with industry know-how to invigorate pioneering, full fledge health and wellness solutions for our customers.

We partner with trusted suppliers from across the world to ensure access to the latest & innovative Nutraceutical ingredients that can help you formulate to meet emerging market trends.



Applications in food and beverage ingredients



Meat industry

Starting materials



Why us
  1. Proven & Robust Global Sourcing & SCM process
  2. Customer focussed, Value addition and proactive new product development
  3. Global reach -Supply directly from the manufacturers
  4. Technically qualified personnel to support customers’ initiatives
  1. Proven & Robust Global Sourcing & SCM process
  2. Customer focussed, Value addition and proactive new product development
  3. Global reach -Supply directly from the manufacturers
  4. Technically qualified personnel to support customers’ initiatives